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Happy Independence Day

Pakistan, a country of passion and enthusiasm, is enriched with love, emotions, affection that bonds her citizens to her from every corner of Earth. That's why Independence day holds a very special place in every Pakistani's heart around the world. Fellows celebrate it in various ways. Some get excited at midnight and gather on roads for commemoration. Some lighten up their houses with candles, lights, etc. Little flags, banners and badges are keys to joy for the people of every age. It always spread the feel of a gigantic festival across the country. The nation, being always emotional and overwhelmed about the historic revolution, revise and recall it every year through songs, speeches, acts, skits and many more.

But the glamorous historic nation seems to have a low flight just after the independence and today, it is not wrong to say it a failure as a nation! We, though got independence from the oppressors above us but in our own toxic, self-centred spheres, became slaves of ourselves. The same flags and paper decors kissed and praised on independence day are found under feet and cars on roads the very next day! It is heart-wrenching to unfold the harsh reality on this pleasant occasion but that's the need of the nation to wake up from the sound shores of sleep and stand up for own progress and growth.

کبھی اے نوجواں مسلم! تدبّر بھی کِیا تُو نے

وہ کیا گردُوں تھا تُو جس کا ہے اک ٹُوٹا ہوا تارا

تجھے اس قوم نے پالا ہے آغوشِ محبّت میں

کُچل ڈالا تھا جس نے پاؤں میں تاجِ سرِ دارا

تمدّن آفریں، خلاّقِ آئینِ جہاں داری

وہ صحرائے عرب یعنی شتربانوں کا گہوارا

Iqbal shared this idea decades before and our ancestors used it as their core strength and fought for their rights and independence not only from the British Raj but from our selves. There are issues and flaws in us as a nation. The country though have progressed towards 4G connectivity but social analysis clearly express the practices of pathetic local Raj, Oppression, Child marriages, Illiteracy, Custom religious conversions and many more in unprivileged areas of provinces. We have made flyover bridges and runways, sky-touching malls and buildings, amusement parks and social clubs but we have failed to raise our literacy rate. We have made laws and regulations as a strong country but no one takes the first step to implement these. Bribes, corruption and persecutions are common in all sectors. We are investing in our defence forces to fight from the enemies outside, neglecting the enemies among us. 

When we find a flaw, we blame authorities, we blame the government, we blame institutions but while passing the road if we find a piece of brick, we don't keep it aside because this is not our responsibility! We fight at road signals, abuse other drivers in the morning, don't give a path to blinds and disabled because we are not responsible for each other. We ignore the young hands busy selling little things on roads because we don't have extra money and yet we can enjoy fancy meals at restaurants! There's a rape case in our street, we all will become voiceless, helpless to fight for the justice, will let the social maltreatments occur because that's not our household issue!

اگر چاہوں تو نقشہ کھینچ کر الفاظ میں رکھ دوں

مگر تیرے تخیّل سے فزوں تر ہے وہ نظّارا

تجھے آبا سے اپنے کوئی نسبت ہو نہیں سکتی

کہ تُو گُفتار وہ کردار، تُو ثابت وہ سیّارا

گنوا دی ہم نے جو اسلاف سے میراث پائی تھی

ثُریّا سے زمیں پر آسماں نے ہم کو دے مارا

We are a failure as a nation, still, it is not too late, we can treat the injuries, heal the blemishes and salve the scars we caused to our motherland. From the perspective of "WHY ME?", we can develop an attitude of "WHY NOT ME?". It doesn't make us inferior to help a lady at a fruit-stall with her shopping bags. It's okay to give way to an old person to cross the road. It's Justice to stand with the victims whether you don't know them. It's patience to follow a thorough legal procedure and wait for our turn rather proposing bribes. The change we are looking outside needs to be born inside. With that, we can reach the glories our ancestors flagged and can cross the borders and limitations of progress and prosperity too. Let's vow together to change the perspective, to rise high as a nation!
Happy Independence Day!

About the Author:
The author, Aiman Sajjad, is an undergraduate student of English Language and Literature. She has been a part of Youth Insight since February 2020. She is a social media writer and a poetess. Her writing covers many social issues faced by our society these days. 


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